Pick-up lines come in many shapes and sizes. The majority of them though, are corny, boring or sleazy. In our experience, we have found that the most successful ones are those which are funny. While making the receiver laugh, they also let them know that you are interested in them, and don’t take yourself too seriously.
Let’s dive deeper into different approaches to successful, funny pick-up lines. See below our top rated, they are categorised based on type:
Terribly Cheesy Pick-Up Lines, That’s Funny
Terribly cheesy, so bad that it hurts, although these are great for a conversation starter, you can laugh together about how bad they are. Being able to laugh at yourself shows you potential partner that you are down to earth and not stuck in your ego. It also demonstrates that you have a sense of humour!
- Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend/girlfriend material
- Are you religious? Because you are the answer to all my prayers
- I have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
- Are you a parking ticket? Because you have fine written all over you
- Would you grab my arm, so I can tell everybody I’ve been touched by an angel
- Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
- Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.
Universally Known Movies
These pickup lines reference a universally known movie. They are great for not only the humour value in them, but also connecting over that movie. It can be great for leading onto a conversation relating to that. Easy icebreaker!
- Little Mermaid – Is your name Ariel? Because I think we mer-maid for each other!
- Taken – Is your dad Liam Neeson? Because I’m Taken with you
- Star Wars – Are you a Star Wars fan, cause you’re the Obi Wan for me.
- Scooby Doo – My Scooby wants to Doo you.
- Pirates of the Caribbean – If I had Jack Sparrow’s compass, it’d be pointing at you.
- Winnie The Pooh – Call me Pooh. Because all I want is you honey!”
- Rapunzel – I’m not Rapunzel, but I’ll still let you pull my hair.
Pick-Up Lines from a Movie
These pick-up lines directly quote a line from a movie. This can be a risky move as there is chance the receiver won’t immediately recognise the line. However, they are in no case bad lines. If they worked in the movie, no reason they can’t work for you!
- The Notebook – I want all of you. Forever. Every Day.
- Anchorman – I don’t know how to put this, but I am kind of a big deal
- She’s the Man – So… do you like cheese?
- Twillight – You can be little red riding hood and I’ll be the big bad wolf
- Austin Powers – Do you wash your pants in Windex?
- Castor Troy – I hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave
- Red Dust – Mind if I get drunk with you?
- Knocked Up – You’re prettier than I am
Just Smooth
Just Smooth pick-up lines are exactly how the name describes, they are smooth! They come off with an element of confidence, sly humour and coolness which immediately destroys any awkwardness and sparks interest. They are fun to use in any situation, and work great!
- My friends bet me that I wouldn’t be able to start a conversation with the hottest person in the bar. Want to buy some drinks with their money?
- I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it.
- Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
- Let’s flip a coin. Head, I’m yours. Tails, you’re mine.
- Don’t tell me if you want me to ask you out. Just smile for yes, or do a back flip for no
- Sorry, but you owe me a drink… Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.
Personal Pick-Up Lines
These are arguably the best type of pick-up lines to use. They are personalised to the person and are great for opening conversation, sparking interest, creativity and effort. When considering a personalised opening line, there are many areas to draw inspiration from. Firstly, consider their photos:
- Where are they taken?
- What are they wearing?
- Can you relate to any of them?
- Do you share interests?
- Are there any funny observations?
- Are there any patterns to comment on throughout the photos?
Often, you are able to draw inspiration for an opening line from the answers of these questions. Consider how these answers might help you create a unique message, and remember, people like to talk about themselves!
Side Note: it’s also worth considering if your own photos can be answered by these questions, it can help others draw inspiration for conversation when messaging you!
In conclusion, pick-up lines aren’t bad, they can be a fun way to open a conversation and humour is great way to break the ice. There are many factors that go into how opening comments will be received including the persons feeling at the time, if they understand the joke and cultural values. However, if they are light-heartedly communicated, they are usually positively received and lead to a great conversation.
If you are seeking a dating site to try out some pick-up lines on, check out our complete list of Cupid Media sites.
Additionally, if you are seeking more information around first messages, read a past blog post here.